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Saturday, February 15, 2025

Aaron Carter

About 2 years or so ago, I suddenly became obsessed with Aaron Carter’s life and music. 

Aaron Carter was a child star who fell off and became a drug addict. Later in life he made an incredible album called Love, and then died at 34 years old. 

Aaron had an older brother called Nick Carter, who is a famous backstreet boy. 

This is very similar life path to a long term musical obsession of mine, Layne Staley of Alice in Chains. 

Layne also died at 34.


Here is a photo of me in 2023 wearing my Aaron Carter T-shirt. I have 2 of them - one black and one white. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

TETRIS by Paneye (from 2013)

Tetris was (and still is) one of my oldest friends from art school. Tetris was a big DJ at Candys Apartment in Kings Cross and was the lord of the scene. This is my song to him from 2013, set to a painting video we did together much later in 2021.

Enwiden Your Sighs by Paneye (from 2013)

An old song that I've started listening to again. It was meant to go on Remote Summer Clouds, but stayed on an earlier demo that I'll re-release soon. I wanted to put 100 songs on Remote Summer Clouds, but I just couldn't - The album was already an epic 27 tracks. I ended up leaving off many of my songs with vocals, and Enwiden Your Sighs was cut.

Enwiden Your Sighs


Enwiden your sighs

To surprise the dark

When it hides

Thinking it has won its war of midnight

Covering your midday skies

Monday, February 10, 2025

Going back to the soil and the leaves and the rivers


Amnesia Formation (Impaled by the Daydream outtake 2016) - Paneye

I've been digging through the old archives and I've found a tune that should've gone on Impaled by the Daydream, but I felt it was too cheesy for that album. I didn't like the title and I felt the song was too unambiguous and poorly expressed. Looking back, I realise now that I was (and still am) obsessed with time and fading memories. I haven't changed much in that respect. That's what this song is about - I will not forget that I have forgotten.  

Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Serpent in the Triangle Forest

Can you see the large snake head hidden in the leaves?

It’s to the far right of the photo, on Sam’s left side.

The head is slightly turned to the side, but still looking towards the camera.  

Can you see it yet?

Here’s a close up:

Once you see it, it’s startlingly obvious. Hidden in plain sight. 

The snake from the triangle bone, manifest in the Triangle Forest. 


Less than 2 years to go before we reach October 2024, and there it is on my shirt. October. The hidden word is Rust.

Photo taken in January 2023, his birth month.